Cards Usage in Gold

22 cards in 4 tiersCard usage data

This list features the most used cards for the Gold league. The data is extracted directly from the game (courtesy of Stormbound-Games), based on the last 30 days of usage, and updated on a daily basis.

The name of a tier corresponds to the presence ratio of the cards that make it. For instance 0.55 – 0.60 means cards that were found in 55 to 60% of all decks played in Gold league over the last month — regardless of faction.

The data does not take match outcome into account, nor does it consider whether a card was in a deck but never played. It purely checks whether a card was part of a deck used in a ranked match.

It also does not downscale neutral cards, which is why the most frequently used cards are consistently all neutral, since they are used in decks across all factions. This is why you can filter out the data by faction below:

This list features 22 cards across the following 4 tiers:

0.55 – 0.60

0.25 – 0.30

0.15 – 0.20

0.10 – 0.15